Resizing a Partition


Do not attempt to resize a partition on a device that is in use.

Before resizing a partition, boot into rescue mode (or unmount any partitions on
the device and turn off any swap space on the device). Start parted, where
/dev/sda is the device on which to resize the partition:
  • parted /dev/sda
View the current partition table to determine the minor number of the partition to
resize as well as the start and end points for the partition:
  • print
To resize the partition, use the resize command followed by the minor number
for the partition, the starting place in megabytes, and the end place in megabytes.
For example:
  • resize 3 1024 2048

A partition cannot be made larger than the space available on the device

After resizing the partition, use the print command to confirm that the partition
has been resized correctly, is the correct partition type, and is the correct file
system type. After rebooting the system into normal mode, use the command df
to make sure the partition was mounted and is recognized with the new size.


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